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2 Kaua‘i Hospitals Set to Receive Federal Funding

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Two Kaua‘i hospitals are set to receive federal funding from the American Rescue Plan.

Approximately $2.5 million will be distributed throughout the state to 10 rural hospitals that hold fewer than 50 beds and are considered critical access hospitals, Sen. Brian Schatz announced Thursday, July 15.

Among the 10 hospitals receiving funding includes Kaua‘i Veterans Memorial Hospital, locating in Waimea, and Samuel Mahelona Memorial Hospital, located in Kapa‘a.


The funding will help these hospitals expand COVID-19 testing for people living in rural communities and tailor mitigation efforts to meet local needs – such as community education and workforce expenses.

“Families in rural areas across Hawai‘i rely on local hospitals to get the health care they need in their own communities,” said Schatz, a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee. “This new federal funding will support rural hospitals on the frontlines of the pandemic and help more people access COVID-19 testing and other resources close to home to keep themselves, their families, and their communities healthy.”

The new federal funding is provided by the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) through the Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) Small Rural Hospital Improvement Program (SHIP).


Funding will also go to four rural hospitals on the Big Island, two on Maui, Lana‘i Community Hospital and Moloka‘i General Hospital.

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