Kauai News

Fees Coming in August For Some Forms Vehicle Disposal

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Beginning Monday, Aug. 2 a $60 (plus tax) fee will be required to dispose of vehicles using a waiver, release, and indemnity form. Other fees may be applicable. Visit www.kauai.gov/vehicledisposal for more information.

Residents can still dispose of their vehicles free of charge by properly junking their cars through the Department of Motor Vehicles.

“To make an appointment to junk your vehicle, please visit www.kauai.gov/DMV. Appointment slots are available to complete this service,” said Director of Finance Reiko Matsuyama. “This is a free service providing that you can show proof of ownership. We do not collect any back taxes for anyone junking a vehicle.”

A resident bringing in their completed junking affidavit to Puhi Metals will not be charged for disposal. Vehicle disposal at Puhi Metals does not include towing or hauling the vehicle. Residents should work with a licensed and permitted tow operator to transport their vehicle to Puhi Metals. Businesses are not eligible for free vehicle disposal.


“The County created the waiver system for unusual circumstances such as illegal dumping on private property or death of a family member where the title and other vehicle documentation was difficult to attain. The expectation was that less than 5% of the vehicles would be disposed of using the waiver, but now we’re seeing over 80% of Puhi Metals customers using it, and it’s very concerning,” said Recycling Programs Coordinator Keola Aki. “There is a concern that businesses are claiming residential exemptions, and that many residents are just leaning on the waiver system to bypass the paperwork needed to dispose of a vehicle properly. This can be an issue, especially if a vehicle is stolen or improperly disposed of by someone that doesn’t own the vehicle.”

The waiver fee covers the administrative cost to track and archive vehicle information properly. For questions or concerns, email solidwaste@kauai.gov or call 241-4841.


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