Kauai News

Cancelation of the 2021 Molokai Hoe and Na Wahine O Ke Kai

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As the state has been tremendously impacted by the global reach of this pandemic, the Board of The Oahu Hawaiian Canoe Racing Association (OHCRA) together with the Board of Directors of Nā Wāhine O Ke Kai, announce the decision to cancel this year’s championship canoe races – “Hawaiian Airlines Nā Wāhine O Ke Kai”, scheduled for September 26, 2021 and “Hawaiian Airlines Molokaʻi Hoe”, scheduled on October 10, 2021. 

While assessing the ongoing situation and weighing reports provided by medical professionals along with State and County Officials, as well as reckoning with lead time for event production and growing financial constraints, it was decided that proceeding with these races was not feasible nor advisable. In addition, recommending more than 2,000 paddlers and support staff travel from around the world into fragile communities during this time of uncertainty would be imprudent.

The early decision to cancel pre-season and regatta seasons for most canoe racing associations around the state were a result of the restrictions set forth by the individual counties. At this time, six-man canoe paddling continues to be a semi-restricted activity. As our associations wait on the phased reopening of our sport, we feel that the first order of business for our clubs will be to focus on the needs of their own paddlers and families impacted by COVID-19. For the remainder of the 2021 season we stand positioned and ready to support our canoe clubs as they look to reengage their athletes as is appropriate. The current plan is to continue the legacy of the races in 2022- Nā Wāhine O Ke Kai – September 25, 2022 & Molokai Hoe – October 9, 2022.


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