Kauai News

KPD Chief Issued 5-Day Suspension for Violating County Discrimination Policy

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Kauaʿi Chief of Police Police Todd G. Raybuck has been issued a five-day unpaid suspension after violating the county’s policy against discrimination, which will begin April 26.

According to a press release from Kauaʿi Police Department, the County of Kauaʿi Department of Human Resources conducted an investigation into comments made by Raybuck in the workplace on Nov. 13, 2019, and July 29, 2020, which concluded the chief did violate the county’s policy against discrimination.

According to documents obtained by the Garden Island newspaper, Raybuck was caught on audio mocking people of Asian descent by bowing his head, squinting his eyes and mimicking someone with a Japanese accent.

In another incident, Raybuck described the hairstyle of a person of Asian descent as something out of a “Kung Fu movie,” according to the documents.


Aside from the suspension, Raybuck will also complete Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Cultural Sensitivity Training.

Raybuck was also under investigation for allegedly failing to promote an employee based upon the employee’s ancestry, race, or national origin. The complaint also alleged the promotional process violated civil service laws. The complaint was brought before The Kauaʿi Police Commission on Sept. 8, 2020.  The commission determined an investigation was warranted and forwarded the complaint on to HR.

HR’s investigation concluded there was no evidence to support the discrimination allegation, adding the promotional selection was, “fair, objective,” and did not violate civil service laws or rules.


“I value and appreciate diversity in the workplace and within the community,” Raybuck stated. “I accept responsibility for my comments and will continue to use this experience to expand my cultural awareness and increase my knowledge and understanding of different cultures.

“I am deeply humbled by the support I have received and appreciate the grace I have been given. Moving forward I am even more committed to serving this great community and doing the work necessary to maintain the confidence of the Police Commission and the employees of the Kauaʿi Police Department.”

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