Overnight Water Service Shutdown Scheduled on Hana Road in Hanapepe

An overnight water service shutdown is scheduled on Hana Road in Hanapepe in February.
The shutdown is to facilitate waterline installation and improvements, according to the Department of Water. Water will be turned off from 9 p.m. on Feb. 2 to 5 a.m. the next day.
Additionally, DOW stated, a partial lane closure on Hanapepe Road; near the intersection of Hana Road and Hanapepe Road, including the Hanapepe Bridge, will be closed during the overnight work.
Customers located in the affected service area may prepare for the water service shutdown by taking the following steps:
·Store enough water to meet your needs until water service can be restored.
·Notify neighbors, family and friends of the shutdown.
·Those with faulty water heaters should ensure that their water heater does not empty.
·Businesses should plan accordingly for the water service shutdown.
·Monitor water service announcements online at www.facebook.com/KauaiDOW.
Vehicles westbound may take routes through Hana Road and Hanapepe Road, while vehicles eastbound may take detour routes through Puolo Road and Hanapepe Road.
For more information, call the Department of Water at 808-245-5461.