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Charsi Karahi

What's Open » Restaurants » North Shore

Experience the culinary excellence of Charsi Karahi BBQ, a renowned halal restaurant in Mississauga. Indulge in our flavorful karahi dishes, prepared with the finest halal-certified ingredients. Each bite at Charsi Karahi BBQ encapsulates the essence of Pakistani cuisine, served in a warm and inviting ambiance. Whether you're a connoisseur of traditional flavors or seeking a memorable dining experience, our restaurant stands out among halal restaurants in Mississauga for its authenticity and commitment to quality.

Listing Updated on July 3, 2024 8:25 AM

63 Queen St S, Mississauga, ON, Unit 11,12, L5M 3S9 Canada +1 905-205-1566 charsikarahibbq.com/

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