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Ragdoll Archers

What's Open » Home Services » East Maui

A must-play for aficionados of the archery simulation genre is ragdoll archers, an exciting shooting game. In this game, players take control of a stick figure armed with an endless supply of arrows and bows. Your character faces a slew of opponents that must be vanquished; the score is directly proportional to the volume of enemy destroyed.

Ragdoll Archers doesn't just let you point your bow and shoot; it demands pinpoint accuracy to find your opponent's weak spot. Plus, players must keep an eye on their stickman to avoid critical hit points or an overwhelming barrage of arrows. Players can expect a predetermined amount of health and blood for each stickman.

When the stickman takes damage from an enemy's arrow, his blood points will be depleted, and his strength points will lose health with each attack. Plus, after reaching specific milestones, players get to pick out the bow and arrow type their archers will use.

Listing Updated on January 7, 2024 5:15 PM

New York, NY, USA 0948589021 [email protected]

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