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Maui Mobile Detailing

What's Open » Auto Services » West Maui

We offer a supreme mobile detailing service for the island of Maui. This includes Cars, Trucks, SUV's and Vans. We come to your home or office, using all premium products and highest quality service. We want to keep you as a long term customer and maintain your vehicle's cleanliness and protection. Also, we are offering a 3 year ceramic sealant for all automotive vehicles. It protects your vehicle from the heavy salt air and other island conditions like heat and rain. Stop waxing every 6 months, we use a ceramic sealant to ensure lasting coverage.

Listing Updated on July 8, 2022 12:08 PM

Lahaina, HI, USA (808) 866-5118 info@mauimobiledetailing.com www.mauimobiledetailing.com/
Sunday Closed
Monday 07:00 AM-4:00 PM
Tuesday 07:00 AM-4:00 PM
Wednesday 07:00 AM-4:00 PM
Thursday 07:00 AM-4:00 PM
Friday 07:00 AM-02:00 AM
Saturday Closed
* Hawaii–Aleutian Standard Time

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