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Geometry Dash

What's Open » Auto Services » Central Maui

Play geometry dash, a fan-made game inspired by the massively popular rhythm-based game Geometry Dash! Prove that you have impeccable timing and reflexes! To overcome a number of challenges, you must assume the role of a small character whose only move is to hop three times its height. Be ready to confront a variety of difficulties that increase in severity as you progress from easy to very difficult levels.

In Geometry Lite, as in the original, players only need to utilize the spacebar or left mouse button to control their character. The purpose of each level is to guide the character to the end without letting them encounter any obstacles. Walls, spikes, or anything else that appears strange enough qualifies. The worst that can happen is starting the level over, which you have likely done many times previously, so there's no need to stress if you're not sure how to avoid them.

Listing Updated on January 7, 2024 9:36 PM

New York, NY, USA 0948589021 zalinkaelisa@gmail.com

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