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Basket Random

What's Open » Auto Services » Central Maui

Immerse yourself in the world of random basketball: A fun basketball match!

Basket Random is a game where basketball matches take a fun and unpredictable turn! Take control of your two stick figures, be as rigid and unruly as possible, and embark on a mission to score goals, outrun your opponents and snatch the ball out of their grasp. With every basket you score, the field, players and ball physics undergo a fun transformation, keeping you alert and ensuring that each game is a fresh and exciting adventure.

Master the simplicity of random baskets

The gameplay in Basket Random couldn't be simpler. With the press of a single button, you command your two players to spring into action, whether that's jumping to grab the ball or shooting towards the basket. To win, you must score higher than your opponents while protecting your basket from their shots.

Game modes suitable for every player

Whether you want to hone your skills against the computer or engage in epic battles with a friend, Basket Random has your preferences covered. Enjoy the thrill of playing alone or enjoy the camaraderie in two-player mode, both available on the same computer.

Game developer

With a passion for creating unique and engaging gaming experiences, TD2TL has delivered a game that will leave you giggling and craving for more.

Listing Updated on November 7, 2023 10:32 PM

3551 Logan Lane, Vancouver, Columbia thuộc Anh, Canada 02709896560 navarrond5615075@gmail.com

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