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Geometry Dash Lite

What's Open » Activities & Tourism » South Maui

Experience a challenge that is not simple with Geometry Dash Lite, take your skills to a new level like flying, jumping to avoid dangerous obstacles, trying to go the farthest distance possible.

The gameplay of Geometry Dash Lite is quite simple, you just need to control a box to endlessly jump through many obstacles such as squares, rectangles, boxes, triangles, circles... Once you reach At the final destination, the level will be completed and at this point, you will be transferred to a new level. However, if you hit an obstacle or cannot pass a certain block, the gamer will lose and start over.

Players can customize the appearance of their box by unlocking achievements to receive new colors and icons. Besides, once you have jumped a certain distance, you will receive an auxiliary means of rocket to increase your character's mobility.

Listing Updated on October 1, 2023 10:42 PM

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